Sunday, December 13, 2009


We have become very caught up with Google Wave and have a link to our first public wave with VoiceChat and some blog links at

If you have a wave account you can also share a wave with me and I can add our voicechat gadget to the wave so we have a time independent voice conversation.

Monday, September 21, 2009

So much has happened since our last post. I will follow up with a catch up on the news but now, a demo:-


I am demonstrating a preview of the ibook voice system V3.0 at If you go there and enter br, you reach my ibook identity which tells you how to call me and leave voicechat messages in my daily journal.

Meet you there. Brian.

NB. Please be aware the demo is open without password restriction though not yet publicised. We have licencing and patents so I am OK with this from a technology point of view. More on how to use the system is at Brian Reynolds ibook identity and this tells you how to call or Skype me free of charge. Please do so if it is not obvious how to proceed.

I am looking for help to takes this further so we can enable voice to be as ubiquitous as text, see Invitation.


I just used our voicecht demo to record my thoughts on network marketing and related subjects stimulated by Ray's question, “Have you thought of using a viral marketing approach?” They are playable from my journal page and the red phone link starting at message 2774 should play them to you through your browser and allow you to reply at any point with your thoughts.

Skype case now resolved so this is here solely for interest

I am working on an open letter to Skype and its founders and owners and my thinking relates to the open cooperative approach I am describing in my voice notes as Family Systems' direct market model for Personal Systems (as opposed to our OEM model for selling add-on features to web services companies which I also describe).

In this case I am considering suggesting that Skype support a cooperative add-on to supplement the Joltid proprietary one so the customer can choose and having the choice allows Skype to revert in reasonable stages to the terms of its agreement with Joltid. If you have any feedback please contact me via the ibook voice system described above or email

Interesting background, Computerworld comment , Skype at Wikipedia.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A few things have happened recently.

You may have seen and some of the linked pages. Quite a bit has been added to the Voicechat page including an outline of the opportunity to participate now.

I have collected together various design notes into a draft Verbol page which I am in process of editing. The notes were written separately as thoughts occurred to me and I have done some initial editing so they are loosely grouped and have a contents list for navigation so they are OK for briefing and talking over the ideas. I am thinking about implementing Verbol in Javascript and would like to bounce some ideas around with a Javascript expert.

A COOPYtunities page has been started, linked to from Invitation which introduces COOPY and some opportunities to cooperate. Some rationalisation with the other pages is needed, but it should give an idea.

I added more songs to uplay2 and created four song pages in a format I am putting forward for feedback. These include Youtube videos of performances with the uplay2 prompts embedded in lyrics displayed as subtitles. I have been told these are more fun to play along to than games as you are making music with a real instrument. These are in effect a prototype of the Family Systems play-along invention and I am looking for cooperation in implementing it further.

Patent news is at the foot of this page Family Systems Patent Filings.
Following the first play-along U.S. Patent 7423214 which was issued in Sept 2008, we have filed two further Playalong continuation patent applications one of which covers the prototype used in Uplay2. We are also working on a response to the examiner's recent rejection of the first Web Collaboration patent filing which he has based on a combination of two separate prior inventions.

If you are interested in contributing, please email me and let me know whether you Skype or are available by phone.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Work Experience

I just created a Work Experience page for www,

This was signed off by Micro Focus, Paul O'Grady and Stewart Lang.